All about Angels Virtual Class

Monthly Class

All about Angels

Date: 08/26/2024

Time: 6:00 PM (MST)

Location: Virtually on Zoom


Throughout history, angels have played a pivotal role in guiding, protecting, and expanding humanity's consciousness. From ancient civilizations to modern times, stories of angelic interventions have been a source of comfort and inspiration. When you seek assistance, the angelic realm is always ready to respond.

In this enlightening class, we will delve into the fascinating world of angels, exploring the nine celestial orders, from the exalted Seraphim to Guardian Angels. We will introduce you to the most well-known archangels, such as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and nine others highlighting their unique attributes and the specific areas of life they influence.  Additionally, we will examine the often-overlooked female archeia, the divine counterparts to the archangels, who embody feminine energies and virtues. You will learn practical methods to connect with these celestial beings, enhancing your spiritual practice and daily life. Discover the healing properties each angel offers, from physical well-being to emotional balance and spiritual growth. By the end of the course, you will have a deeper understanding of how to invoke angelic support and integrate their powerful energies into your personal journey. Join me to embark on a transformative experience with the divine. If you cannot attend live, a copy will be emailed 48 hours later. To sign up visit


Ancestors & Altars Virtual Class


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