Common Questions to ask

Many people don’t know what to ask. I find that once in the records, you will feel the questions flow out of you. To start, questions can be around relationships, big life decisions, disempowering patterns, career, health, money issues and creativity.
Here are some examples.

  • What do I need to know right now?

  • What is my purpose?

  • What lessons have I come here to learn?

  • What’s blocking me from manifesting ______?

  • What do I need to know about _______?

  • What gifts did I have in past lives?

  • What are my gifts? How can I develop them?

  • What are my fears?

  • What may I do to heal?

  • What spirit animals are with me now? What message do they have?

  • How many lives have I lived?

  • How can I connect better with my spirit guides?

  • How can I release old patterns and beliefs?

  • How can I better my relationship(s)?

  • How can I best contribute to the world?

  • How can I release feelings of shame, guilt, anger & hopelessness?

  • How can I feel more of ____?

  • Why do I ____?

  • Am I carrying past life trauma that affects me today?

  • Who are my spirit guides & teachers? And what are they here to teach me?


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